Senior Portraits on Charleston's Rainbow Row at Sunrise
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Friday, August 09, 2024
By Erin Rose Photography LLC
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Charleston's early morning streets are unbeatable in my eyes and often why you'll see that most of my sessions take place near sunrise. To me, it's the one chance we have for complete peace and quiet while having open streets free of tourists. And while I do love our tourism, it can be really difficult to have a session while waiting for tours to walk by and for so many people to take their own selfies in front of such amazing landmarks. 

The Rainbow Row + French Quarters Epilogue and Compendium packages have been my MOST requested in 2024, which I guess makes total sense. These spots are iconic and always recognized as Charleston. They share so much variety and character between the colors and the neutrals. I can usually pair just about any outfit within the landscape on Rainbow Row making it the perfect choice for most seniors. 

If you're not yet familiar with my packages, The Epilogue includes a full gallery and an extended walkable area of downtown. So just like you see here- Rainbow Row and the French Quarters area of City Hall are included in this package. We can also easily accomplish four outfits within this route, sometimes five. As I tell all my seniors, it's important you share your outfit selections ahead of your session so that we can plan the area for each one. We always want to create a cohesive flow to the session and make sure that if theres a particular outfit you'd like in a particular spot that we capture that. 

The City Hall steps have been one of my most requested spots in Charleston as well, they make the perfect backdrop for nearly any outfit. This spot can be tricky lighting wise though. So again, early morning no later than 45 minutes after sunrise here is key or waiting until closer to sunset as these steps get full sun most of the day. 

While I get so many people that ask for spanish moss in their downtown session it's hard to admit there really isn't much. All the images you see in my galleries that include dramatic spanish moss are actually taken at Hampton Park which is about a 10-15 minute drive outside of the historic area. Now, that is definitely something we can accomplish with The Compendium package which is my two-location package with a full gallery. But if you're sticking to downtown The French Quarters is a good pick for Washington Square park which is nestled right next to the City Hall steps. There are some oaks with ivy laced branches and it gives that perfect southern appeal for sure.