Motherhood Sessions
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Tuesday, August 11, 2020
By Erin Rose Photography LLC
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Motherhood Sessions, and why you need one.

If you've stumbled across this blog, you likely found it knowing what a Motherhood Session means.

But in case you don't, let me show you.

Being a mom means always being the one behind the camera and always being the one to criticize yourself in front of the camera. We get it though, moms are tired both physically and mentally most of the time and it's just a part of the job. But you and I both know there are so many AMAZING moments that happen in between those tired ones. That bond with your children is so special and ever-lasting. The way they cuddle, the way they hold your hand... It's unmatched. And THAT is what we plan to focus on. We are celebrating you and your children. Your love.

These are moments you hold onto, these are moments you will never have again. They are unique each and every time. 

So look, if these pictures haven't been enough to convince you, let me just tell you that you children will cherish these forever. They will post them every mother's day, every birthday, and they will pass them down to their children. And that is why I do what I do. Because pictures are worth a thousand worlds, a hundred feelings, and will always spark the most beautiful memories.