2019 Recap
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Tuesday, January 07, 2020
By Erin Rose Photography LLC
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Almost 200 sessions shot this year!

As 2019 closes and 2020 begins I took a look back at all the sessions I had, and am once again impressed I didn't lose my mind. Almost 200 sessions shot between the beach, downtown, maternity, newborns, birthdays, seasonal minis and with Flytographer! 

This year I got more comfortable with newborn lifestyle sessions in home and really mastered that as my niche. I took over 30 newborn and Fresh 48 sessions in 2019 which will remain my goal for this year as well. I grew my maternity client closet to just over 80 pieces this year and officially began renting them to other photographers and their clients state wide. My goal this year is to not grow that closet much more (I need to save more $$) but instead focus more on renting. 

I photographed more beach sessions than ever before including more extended families than I can even count! Each and every family was so good to me and while the weather didn't always cooperate we still managed to make the best of every situation. In 2020 I will continue to have each family book 2 session dates in my schedule when choosing the beach or downtown sessions. I've had great success with this and feel it has really benefited my clients and myself even, that way I'm sure not to overbook myself.

My business goal this year however, is to actually switch up my booking schedule just a tad and take at least 2 full days OFF. In 2019 my personal health and self-care suffered. Taking sometimes 3-4 sessions in a day and 6-10 in a week doesn't leave for much personal time and when having to edit 3-8 sessions a week- the eyes, the body, and the MIND all suffer. Being a newer small business owner in 2019 I was so worried I wouldn't make the money I needed to survive, but as the year closes I realize - ya did just fine girl! I have a better grip on my CODB (cost of doing business) this year as well which makes me more secure in my business goals and pricing.

My personal goals for 2020 are to actually read more, to spend less time looking at a screen, and to work on improving my overall health. When I was 23 I had a bad case of pneumonia and a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs) at the same time. It put me in the hospital for 4 days and it was terrifying. After that I had made some major changes in my life but as I moved and things changed I again lost sight of being that health conscious person. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia just before that as well, so overall, I know that my personal health really needs to come back into being a priority to avoid putting me back in such a bad place. I need to be better for myself and for my clients. 


So what does this mean for clients? A tighter schedule and the requirement to BOOK AHEAD! Otherwise, I want to focus on capturing the best sessions I can for my clients and providing the same great service.


So let's look ahead and CRUSH those goals for 2020!

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